Coronavirus Update

We need your help to support our artisans and employees, now more than ever.

It's our mission to employ the most vulnerable women in Raleigh. You've helped us hire 34 women to date and enabled us to give $40,000 in living wages in 2019 alone. During this uncertain time, the sustainability of our mission is our primary focus so we can continue to support our DFJ family by providing dignified, safe work.

With several key fund-raising events cancelled until further notice, we’ve got a big financial gap to close. Here’s how you can help:

  • Shop online for birthday, bridal shower and spring gifting. Shop here.
  • Buy gift certificates to share, or keep them to spend later on. Purchase here.
  • Make a one-time or recurring monetary donation. Give here.
  • Check to see if your company does matching donations, and ask them to match yours.
  • Share the DFJ mission with friends and family via Instagram, Facebook and email.

Thank you for loving our mission and our women, and for being such a strong community. We’ll keep you posted.