Prosecco and Purses Evening Shopping Event October 12, 6-8pm

Prosecco and Purses Evening Shopping Event October 12, 6-8pm

We thought you might like some evening shopping hours and why not make a party out of it?! 

Prosecco and Purses Evening Shopping Event
Thursday, October 12, 6-8pm
517 W Cabarrus St., Suite A, Raleigh
We have a parking lot in front and free street parking.

This is a FREE event, but please do RSVP. Feel free to bring friends with you!

Make and Take
We'll have our artisans there to help you sew your own leather eyeglass holder on one of our big Cowboy sewing machines. Suggested donation is $16.


raleigh_nonprofitPhoto by Five Freedoms Photography

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