Raleigh Nonprofit Provides Day Work for Women in Crisis

Raleigh Nonprofit Provides Day Work for Women in Crisis


There is a ongoing need for women in Wake County who are seeking immediate employment with immediate wages. Our cofounder and designer, Kristen Sydow, saw this need and has expanded our daywork program in an attempt to serve as many women as possible. 

Every Monday, Designed For Joy will welcome in three women to join our daywork program. This program will include devotion, breakfast, lunch, on-the-job training, professional coaching, and they will be paid cash at the end of the day for their work. Our hope is to provide these women with a safe and positive work environment and help them reach more financial stability. 

With the help of referral partners like The Women's Center, Triangle Family Services, and Ship Outreach, we are able to reach and serve even more women in Wake County.

Like we always say, we truly couldn't do this without you. Here are two ways you can contribute to this new and exciting mission:

Become a monthly giver here. Just $30 dollars, $15 dollars for wages and $15 dollars for materials to provide the job, covers one hour of a women working in our studio. 

Sign up to provide lunch on Mondays for 15-18 women. Whether it's your favorite homemade dish, delivery from your favorite restaurant, whatever you choose! Lunch will need to be prepared by or dropped off at 11:45 so lunch can be served at noon.

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